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16 Slot Chassis for DMC Series Media Converters D-Link DMC-1000/E
16 Slot Chassis for DMC Series Media Converters D-Link DMC-1000/E
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16 Slot Chassis for DMC Series Media Converters D-Link DMC-1000/E
Cập nhật cuối lúc 23:04 ngày 27/03/2018, Đã xem 715 lần
  Đơn giá bán: 12 850 000 đ
  Model: DMC-1000/E   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Số lượng: Cái Khối lượng: 0 g
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Tổng chi phí: 12 850 000 đ
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16 Slot Chassis for DMC Series Media Converters D-Link DMC-1000/E
http://cameraquansatcctv.divivu.com 13 819 000 đ
Chi tiết sản phẩm

16 Slot Chassis for DMC Series Media Converters D-Link DMC-1000/E

- This 16-slot chassis can hold up to 16 media converters. The chassis provides 19-inch standard rack-mount housing for the media converters, the power necessary for the media converters, plus optional redundant power supplies and SNMP/web-based network management.

- In simple configuration, you can start with single media converters, each equipped with its own metal case housing and AC power adapter. When your network requirements grow, you can mount this chassis in your equipment rack and install your media converters in the slots provided for by the chassis. You will remove the metal cases of the individual media converters, and insert their PC boards into the chassis slots.

- Installation of the chassis in an equipment rack together with the network devices for which they provide media conversion. This provides for space saving, and the cabling will look neat.

- The chassis comes with its a single universal power supply. For maximum power availability, an optional redundant power supply is available for installation in chassis.

- The following media conversion solutions are available:

o Fast Ethernet twisted-pair to Fast Ethernet 100BASE-FX fiber (single-mode and multi-mode).

o Fast Ethernet 100BASE-FX fiber multi-mode to single-mode.

- Bảo hành 12 tháng.

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