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10/100/1000Mbps to SFP Media Converter D-Link DMC-G01LC/E
10/100/1000Mbps to SFP Media Converter D-Link DMC-G01LC/E
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10/100/1000Mbps to SFP Media Converter D-Link DMC-G01LC/E
Cập nhật cuối lúc 22:54 ngày 27/03/2018, Đã xem 756 lần
  Đơn giá bán: 1 280 000 đ
  Model: DMC-G01LC/E   Bảo hành: 12 Tháng
  Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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10/100/1000Mbps to SFP Media Converter D-Link DMC-G01LC/E
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10/100/1000Mbps to SFP Media Converter D-Link DMC-G01LC/E

- D-Link’s DMC-G01LC standalone media Converter turns a copper Ethernet link into a fiber link, allowing for an ultra-fast, long distance connection. Installation of a standalone media converter is simple, and allows you to tap into fiber speeds with ease. Instead of requiring an investment in an entire chassis, a standalone media converter provides the same high-quality conversion on a unit-by-unit basis. You can save space and cut costs while still extending your network over long distances of 10 km and beyond on a fiber optic line.

- The fiber side of the DMC-G01LC utilizes a 100/1000 SFP port for maximum flexibility. Using the appropriate SFP transceiver (purchased separately) it can support either multimode or single-mode fiber, varying wavelengths, and speeds of either 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps.


Model DMC-G01LC/E
Features LAN 1 x 10/100/1000 Mbps port
IEEE 802.3u
IEEE 802.3x
IEEE 802.3ab
Auto-Negotiation for each port
Full-Duplex operation at 1000 Mbps
Half/Full-Duplex operation at 10/100 Mbps
Back pressure at Half-Duplex operation
Wire speed reception and transmission
Supports Jumbo frames up to 9216 bytes at 1000 Mbps
LLR (Link Loss Return)
LLCF (Link Loss Carry Forward)
Packet Buffer Memory 56 Kbit
Switching Capacity 2 Gbps
External Power Adapter Switching 5V/1A Level V Power Adapter, ErP compliant
Power Consumption (Max.) at 240V DC 2.34W
AC 3.46W
Power Consumption (Standby) at 240V DC 1.49W
AC 2.06W
Heat Dissipation 11.81 BTU/h (Max.)
7.75 BTU/h (Standby)
Dimensions (L x W x H) 95 x 70 x 25mm

- Bảo hành 12 tháng.

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