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Learn AI with python | Learn AI programming
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Download Learn AI with python | Learn AI programming

# What is artificial intelligence ?
- Artificial intelligence is also called AI. AI is something like machine intelligence, a artificial brain who can take incision based on it's experience like we do. AI is a future and it is a very true. AI is getting evolve day by day.

# Why should you learn AI ?
- You must be aware of how much powerful can AI be ? If you are doing job in IT sector or any other related to technology then AI and machine learning will be the next competitor of you in next few years.
- Many jobs getting shut because of AI so this is a right time to learn AI.
- AI real strength in problem solving.

# How can this help you ?
- Learn AI with python | Learn AI programming will help you get basic AI structure and many AI problem solving techniques. All the tutorials are divided in few chunks such as

1. Learn basics of AI.
- Here you will get basic AI learning stuff such as why AI is ?, basic understanding of AI techniques.

2. Learn AI with python.
- Python is a leading programming language in AI programming. Because python has a grate library support and it is easy to understand and code.

3. Interview question of AI.
- Here you will get good interview questions with its answers.

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reference :
- www.tutorialspoint.com
- www.javatpoint.com
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